About museologie:

Museologie [mu·se·ol·o·gie]
inspiring you to live a happier + healthier life. museologie builds community by helping individuals understand the unique, yet connected dimensions of wellness, which are essential to improve quality of life and well-being.

museologie’s focus is two fold:

  1. Training older adults (60+) and helping them get more active

  2. Creating wellness education and event consultation

About Jordan:

Jordan is on a quest to live a life full of happiness (knowing life has its ups and down.) For her,  a happy life means a healthy, balanced and adventurous life.  Jordan is a Philly jawn and is very proud of that. She has been an ACSM-certified personal trainer since 2012, the year The Tenth Muse: Fitness Plus was born. Now, The Tenth Muse has now been folded into museologie.

Jordan became interested in wellness during her Intro to Public Health course in graduate school. She realized focusing on the physical dimension (personal training and boot camps) while neglecting the other aspects, ultimately, adversely impacts health and quality of life. As she has learned about the wellness dimensions and their mutual dependence, she wants others to learn, as well.

In her spare time, Jordan loves to garden, participate in any type of recreational activity, attend film or food festivals, and travel with her hubs Today, she’s into Bible verse James 1:2-3, but it changes with what season she’s in.

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow

Thank you for being a Muse. Every day, you are a source of inspiration whether you know it or not.